Royal Fantasy The Queen Of Iceberg *Chilly*
sünd/ born: 25.08.2003 - 28.04.2018
Kasvataja/ Breeder Urve Tipp
EKL/ Estonian Kennel Union
Pesakonnad/ litters:
25.07.2011 - W-pesakond/ W-litter
18.11.2009 - N-pesakond/ N-litter
17.03.2008 - I-pesakond/ I-litter
29.12.2006 - E-pesakond/ E-litter
26.10.2005 - B-pesakond/ B-litter
Chilly juulis 2006
Chilly on meie koerapere kõige heasüdamlikum ja samas ka kõige energilisem tegelane - küll on kahju, et agility platsid meist kõik siiani kättesaamatus kauguses asuvad…

Chilly is our most kind and loving and at same time most active person - so piti, that all agility-grounds are still so far from us and we can't reach them! Chilly has born in our kennel's first, Royal-litter. When Chilly was younger, she was not so successful as her beautiful brother Dandy (she was developing quite slowly), but now she is nice, small (7-7,5 kilos), very well built young female

18kuud/ month

Chilly on sündinud meie kenneli esimeses Royal-pesakonnas. Kuigi päris pisikesena jäi Chilly pisut oma ilusa ja eduka venna Dandy varju, siis nüüdseks on ta sirgunud kauniks väikeseks laitmatu kehaehitusega emaseks, kellel on muude õnnestumiste kõrval ette näidata ESTÜ 2004 a. Erinäituse TP JUN ja BIS 3 võidud! Loodame Chilly'ga koos veeta veel palju toredaid hetki näitustel, kuid esmajoones on ta meile siiski igapäevaseks sõbraks ja kaaslaseks, kelle lõputu optimismita on elu raske ette kujutada!

Chilly's showresults have gone better and better with every show. Her biggest success was in aug. of 2004 at Estonian Spaniels Society's Special Show for spaniels from 8th and 9th group, when she acived JUN CAC, BOB JUN and JUN BIS 3! This was really something! We hope to go to lots of shows with Chilly and we will be glad, when she will be successful... but... more important for us is just everyday-life with her! We can't magine it without her optimistic and loving person any more!

Juulis 2006
Chilly august 2006a

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